Monday, February 4, 2008

Oh blogging

Oh blogging. I've tried this before. I figure this is a way of helping everyone around me know what is going on. Because well sometimes I just don't really wanna spill it out.

So lets see :)

As some of you may know I have been thinking about applying to be on staff at Indian Creek Baptist Camp. Well I finally received the application(and boy is it thorough lol)

I'm feeling a lot of different emotions around this. I am excited, scared, anxious, nervous and all those good things.
I am excited to see this new experience not only expand my bubble in my Christian walk but also in my other life skills. I am kinda scared just because it would be a new experience and sometimes those can be scary. Anxious because well Its going to be AMAZING!! And Nervous to see if I get the job.

We'll see how these next few months go. Hopefully they go over well. And I get through this HUGE application :)

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