Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Break!!!!!

I really should be studying for finals...But I don't think I could shove any more information into my brain, so I'm going to blog and hope that some of it comes out! :)

So I guess I can give an update on my life. I'm still loving Ball State. Like many other freshman I didn't work as hard as I should have this semester, and well unfortunately my grades are kind of showing that. But such is life, it'll get fixed.  I am also no longer a social work major. I know shocking right? I still love kids, and yes I would love to work in child services. But my passion and attachment is too high and I wouldn't be able to handle it. I get attached to kids easily. Carol, Becky, and Bev you know this to be true. I love all of your kids and to see something like that happen to a child would crush me. I just don't think I'd be able to handle it. The major I changed to is a totally different area of study. It's a pre-journalism program, drum roll? Public Relations! I'm not really sure if it's completely what I want to stick with right now, but it's something that I want to get involved with and see how it plans out. I think it had the potential to really wow me and I think I have the potential to really excel in this program. We'll just have to see.

Next..I'm still awaiting my call for summer. Many of you know that I applied to work at Quest in Wisconsin and as you all know I had an amazing opportunity to work at ICBC last summer. The decision is still in the air. I haven't heard anything back from Lance about Quest, While I know it is very competitive and have been constantly reminded to not get my hopes too high, I still wonder. I'm really hoping that God will point me in the way I need to be going. Because honestly right now I think I would choose ICBC, partially because it's what I know and I really miss it. I know he'll point me in the right direction, but it's the whole waiting it out thing. How long do I wait to make my decision, and am I even suppose to be in a summer ministry? It all will reveal in time.

hmm. Christmas break is approaching quickly and for this I'm so excited! :) I'll be coming home Friday the 19th and will be coming back up to Muncie on January 6th. Then on January 6th-11th I will be in Gatlinburg with other officers from Student Center Programming for a retreat. :) I don't have a lot of plans over break besides the usual church and hanging with friends. So if you want to hang out or just see me I'd LOVE to do that! :) And of course I'm going to be making a trip to see some favorites in Freelandville! :)

Lastly, I'm just trying to get through finals week. Muncie's weather is so unpredictable sometimes that it makes it a little hard to get to the library when it's snowing/sleeting/raining/wind blowing 3458 mph :) I'm making it through, and I'm SOO excited about coming home to see everyone! :) Love you guys!


Carol said...

"And of course I'm going to be making a trip to see some favorites in Freelandville!" :)

Hey Anna, come see us while you're in Freelandville. lol

Anna Osmon said...

Ha Carol You are so funny! you are my favorites silly! :)