February 6-8
ICBC Retreat
Oh how I LOVE Indian Creek Baptist Camp. God has used this camp to truly bless my life and teach me many a lessons and for this I'm truly thankful. The retreat was focused on spiritual gifts. My highest was Music and my second was Compassion. If you know me these two things shouldn't come as a surprise to you. Anyways, I knew some people who were going to be at retreat and I met some really awesome people. AS I'm sure NONE Of you will be surprised when I say I met a boy, NO worries Just friends. =) But really God has blessed me incredibly with Josh's Friendship, it's such an awesome thing to have a male in my life closer to my age with a close relationship with Christ. It's just nice. But I'm really excited about this friendship and excited to see how God uses it! Anyways, Retreat was awesome. I learned a lot of things. Like how I should change my major back to Socwk. I figured this would happen. I got to lead music at campfire, which was a lot of fun. God picked me up and placed me in his lap that weekend and truly showed me some awesome things.
Oh and I found out that I'll be returning to the amazing ICBC to work on staff this summer! =) Get excited and send your kiddos so I can see them! <--(*Cough* Carol Maze *Cough* Send Isaac *cough*)
Other then being extremely blessed by my heavenly father, I've been really busy with University Program Board and School. Just trying to keep afloat is a bit hard to handle sometimes, I won't lie it's not fun sometimes.
I need to ask a favor Blog readers. I have pretty much a list of prayer concerns so be patient with me please! :)
First off, Please Please Please pray for Journey 20! I have a friend who I asked about attending and she's thinking about it so send up an extra prayer for that. I'm just so excited to see God's work in these girls and I'm SO excited to be finding out what I'll be doing!
Continue to Pray for Camp as a ministry and the Camp Staff. I cannot tell you how much we need the prayer sometimes. Brian and Jen are doing an awesome job and I can't wait to see the movement God will make this summer! :) Also Brian and Jen will making offers to the new camp staff this weekend, so be praying for that too! :)
Soo since I last posted I've kind of been church hopping. I just can't find one where the message truly speaks to me. Yes the music is awesome but I can listen and worship in my room. I've prayed and prayed that God just send this message to me differently, but I just can't seem to be getting really anything out of the message at the church I've been attending. So PLEASE pray that I can find one that really speaks volumes to me!
And last but not least. This is something I don't really like to talk about a lot and which is why a lot of you don't know a lot about it. Could you pray for my Dad? My dad was in the army when he was younger and in result has ended up with a multitude of medical problems. Both Physical and Mental. He's just got a lot of problems. It just scares me. He couldn't even handle going to my graduation. He also can't remember a lot of things, like today I told him 3 times that I would be home for Spring Break next week and he still continued to ask me when I was on Break. It just scares me. I'm just scared that he's not going to be around much longer. I mean he's not on his death bed or anything like that. It's just that he has a lot of medical problems and I'm just scared. It sounds SO selfish when I say this but I just feel like sometimes I get a little cheated at life. I know I haven't been cheated but It just sucks because my brother Joey didn't get to see me graduate and neither did my Dad. And Joey will never see graduate from College, get married, have a family, get my first big kid job. It's just not fair. I'm just asking that my Dad can see all these things. I just don't see how it's fair at all. Anyways, I'm just asking you to pray for my whole family really. My dad's health really stresses my mom out as well as my brother and I. I'm just worried. And you ALL know how I worry about everything..
Anyways, I'll be home for Spring Break Next week and I want to see as many of you as possible. Love You All! =)
Yay...you blogged. :)
Isaac will be going this year, and possibly Andrew if it's approved and he's stable.
Prayer requests- covered for sure.
And so glad you finally blogged.
And I love the new layout :)
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