Friday, March 21, 2008

My Amazing Hero.

I can remember when I was little and I was like My Hero is Spiderman, Okay so maybe not spiderman but you get the point.

Running on three hours of sleep I started thinking about some things. And I was typing a scholarship paper. And the topic was name one person who has made a significant difference in your life. I was having a hard time thinking about who to write about. So I ended up just getting on the computer and looking around. So as I was just checking my mail and wasting time til I had to write this, I went to Andrew's Caring Bridge Site.

I read the new Journal Entry and it occurred to me.

This sweet and innocent Child is my hero.

Most of you know that I have problems just letting go and letting God's will be done. But today the journal entry just got me.

If only I could have faith like this Child. The hardships he goes through, the pain he deals with, and the frustration he perseveres through. It all amazes me. He still has full faith in God. He KNOWS that God will take care of him.

So when I write my paper today, I'm not going to write about Ghandi or George Bush. I'm going to write about this amazing nine year old I know. So Andrew this blog is for you kid, you are my true hero. :)


Carol said...

Awww...I got a little teary-eyed reading this. How sweet Anna!

I showed it to Andrew, and his only reaction was, "See, I told you I was famous and you didn't believe me." :)

beverlyj said...

Don't kick him in the knee. He's cool.

beverlyj said...

And he is famous.

Unknown said...

okay, so i'm crying. that really touched me anna... because it's so incredibly true.

and i agree with bev. no kicking andrew in the knees. carol maybe, andrew, no.

Anna Osmon said...

I won't kick him in the knees. You cant kick famous people in the knees :) Love you guys!

Carol said...

I gave birth to the hero...why kick me in the knees, girls?

Anna Osmon said...

I won't kick you in the knees either Carol :)

Lauren said...

I was just thinking of this same thing the other day. So thankful that a little child shall lead us and teach us all to be grateful for the little things.
love you guys.